Professor Trevor Bailey


Professor Bailey joined the University of Exeter in January 1986 from the University of New South Wales, Australia. He retired from Exeter in August 2017. His research interests focused on applied statistical modelling  (particularly spatial-temporal  epidemiology, environmental impacts on public health, and multivariate spatial methods). Much of his research was collaborative involving academics and professionals from a variety of  fields such as medicine, public health, geography, computer science, behavioural science and education. He also worked with commercial organisations and government agencies. He received regular invitations to speak at specialist meetings both in the UK and overseas and frequently gave short courses or seminar series on various statistical topics at Universities in Europe, South America and Australasia.

Professor Bailey held a range of senior leadership/management  roles relating to Education during his time at Exeter University. In particular, he was Associate Dean (Education) for the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science for several years. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and taught a wide variety of general and specialised topics at UG and PG level in Statistics at the University including courses on Statistical Modelling,  Advanced Statistical Modelling and Spatial Statistics. He also had a particular interest in post 16 mathematics education and was one of the founding governors of the Exeter Mathematics School. 

Triangle mountains