2024 Results

Headline Figures

The data summarised below is that used by the government when comparing schools in league tables.

Further details, including some of our students’ stories can be read here.

Pass Rate: 100%

Retention: 100%

Average Grade: A (48.9)

Average of Best 3 Grades: A (49.4)

Proportion of High Grades (A*, A or B): 85%

Proportion of A* or A grades: 71%

Progress (value added) Score:  This score will be published at a later date, once the DfE confirm the value.


For us, this is the most important measure; are our students achieving better than would be expected based on their prior performance?

In 2023 the Value Added scores were not included in our data as the students GCSE grades were teacher assessed.  However, when progress measures were last reported, in 2019, we confirmed the following:

We can say a resounding “Yes”.  All groups of students achieved positive Value Added Scores, on average achieving over three quarters of a grade higher per subject than expected based on achievement in GCSEs and over a whole grade higher in Mathematics.

Destinations 2023

Headline Figures


of students have secured places at University or have work or training


of students have firmly accepted places at University, including degree apprenticeships


of students are attending Oxbridge

University DestinationNumberPercentage
Imperial College London12%
SOAS University of London12%
St Andrews12%
West of England12%
Degree Apprenticeship OrganisationNumber
Schneider Electric1
University SubjectNumberPercentage
Discrete Mathematics12%
Physics with Astrophysics37%
Natural Sciences25%
Theoretical Physics12%
Earth and Planetary Sciences12%
Mathematics and Computer Science25%
Mathematics and Philosophy12%
Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science B4SW12%
Mathematics and Physics12%
Computer Science and Mathematics12%
Chinese and Linguistics12%
Accounting and Finance22%
Computer Science511%
Cyber Security12%
Cyber Security and Forensic Computing12%
Computer Science with Cyber Security12%
Mechanical Engineering/Naval Engineering25%
Aerospace Engineering25%
Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering12%
Zoology with Primatology12%

This table does not include the 3 students doing university apprenticeships.

Previous Results

Pass rate99%100%100%100%100%
Retention rate97.1%97%100%100%100%
Average GradeA- (45.4)A (48.8)A- (48.2)A- (45.0)B+ (44.3)
Average of best 3 gradesA- (45.8)A (49)A (49.2)A- (46.8)A- (45.9)
Proportion of high grades (A*, A or B)78%87%91%83%81%
Proportion of A/A* grades58%67%69%63%59%
Proportion achieving AAB or higher in at least two facilitating subjects53%71%71%56%49%
Progress score (value added)N/AN/A0.790.590.45

Ofsted Inspection 2024

Ofsted Outstanding

The school’s most recent inspection took place from the 12th to the 13th March 2024. Ofsted have judged the school to remain Outstanding. 

In the school’s first inspection, January 2017, the school was found to be Outstanding in all categories.

Copies of the full inspection reports are available on the Ofsted website.

Overall effectiveness – Outstanding

Effectiveness of Leadership and Management – Outstanding

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment – Outstanding

Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare – Outstanding

Outcomes for Learners – Outstanding

16 to 19 Study Programmes – Outstanding

  • Students are exceptionally motivated and highly value their learning.
  • Students thrive in the aspirational learning environment and relish the challenges that they are provided with by teachers.
  • Students appreciate the opportunities to work with employers and university academics, as part of studying the Exeter Mathematics Certificate curriculum.
  • Students develop a deep understanding of how to apply their knowledge, which extends significantly beyond the expectations of the qualifications specification.
  • Students grow in confidence because they see the relevance of what they are learning.
  • [Students] feel part of a safe and inclusive learning environment.
  • Leaders routinely draw on current education research to ensure their actions have the best possible impact on the quality of provision.
  • Leaders and teachers innovate in the way in which they enhance the student learning experience.  They ensure the limitations regarding the size of the school’s learning space do not hinder the students’ experience.
  • [Leaders and teachers] place significant importance on the development of a student’s character, resilience and independence, as well as achieving high academic outcomes.
  • Teachers plan and teach the curriculum expertly and in a way that highly motivates students to learn more.
  • Teachers support learners exceptionally well.  They consider carefully what students need to achieve or exceed their potential.
  • Teachers cultivate a culture where students learn from their mistakes and positively embrace the opportunity to do so.  As a result, students feel secure to ask their tutors questions, request help, or try out new things without apprehension in lessons.
  • Students with SEND achieve in line with their peers.

Inspection of Residential Provision – March 2023

This was the school’s second inspection of residential provision and took place from the 21st to the 23rd March 2023.

The inspection findings were aligned to our own self assessment and we were found to be Outstanding in all categories.

A copy of the full inspection report will soon be available on the Ofsted website.

Overall experiences and progress of young people – Outstanding

How well young people are helped and protected – Outstanding

The effectiveness of leaders and managers – Outstanding

  • Students thrive in a welcoming and inclusive boarding environment.  They say they would ‘absolutely’ recommend boarding at this college.
  • Staff nurture students’ interests and help them achieve balance with their academic commitments.
  • Students in boarding accomplish excellent education outcomes.
  • The voice of students is highly valued…Students treat each other with respect and support those who are less confident to have their voice heard.
  • [Parents] say that their children develop the skills they need to live independently and that staff achieve a balance between pastoral care and giving young people independence.
  • Pastoral welfare has a high priority in the boarding provision.
  • Staff proactively support students to develop  their understanding of important issues such as mental health and healthy relationships.
  • Leaders create and inspire a culture of acceptance and inclusion.
  • The holistic package of support created in response [to social and emotional challenges of students] is transformational for their futures.
  • A culture of learning, development and improvement is evident throughout the whole provision.
  • Governors support the drive for continuous development through their oversight
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