
Maths Hub Work Group – Developing A Level Pedagogy

Target Audience: the project is aimed at schools/colleges/departments that want to develop one or more aspects of their A level pedagogy including use of technology. It would be suitable for experienced teachers/leaders of A level Maths who wish to lead the development of pedagogy in A level teaching with other colleagues in their own or other schools/colleges.

Format: please see the details shared below.

Aim: to develop and sustain regional communities of practice involving collaboration between teachers. The focus is on developing pedagogy in A level Maths teaching, and developing participants as leaders of A level teaching professional development in their own school or college.

How to get involved: applications for the 2024-25 programme are now open!

Capacity: 12

Session Date Time Location
1 Thursday 7 November 1200-1600 Exeter Maths School
2 Friday 6 December 1315-1530 Online
3 Friday 17 January 1315-1530 Online
4 Friday 14 February 1315-1530 Online
5 Friday 21 March 1315-1530 Online
6 Friday 2 May 1315-1530 Online

Mathematics Association / Association of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Meetings

Target Audience: teachers and maths professionals.

Format: twilight workshops and networking once a term.

Aim: to share cool maths and provide networking and professional development opportunities for teachers of mathematics.

How to get involved: to sign up to the mailing list for this group or to book a place, email Richard Perring:

Capacity: 40

Mathematics Teachers’ Network – sponsored by The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP)

Target Audience: teachers of KS4 and KS5 students.

Format: twilight workshops and networking once a term.

Aim: to support collaboration between KS4 and KS5 teachers of mathematics.

How to get involved: click on the links below to book your place.

Capacity: 40

This meeting will focus on extending the range and depth of mathematics taught within the curriculum and consider the potential impact on students’ grades by extending our curriculum.

We will consider the other mathematical qualifications, in particular AS and A Level Further Mathematics.  We will also consider University admissions test questions and how these can be incorporated into the A Level Mathematics curriculum to help broaden the curriculum within the time allocated for teaching.

Finally, we will consider ways in which we can encourage more students to consider choosing Maths and Further Maths A Levels and how to support them.


  • To consider ways of extending the curriculum
  • To discuss ways to include TMUA and MAT questions into the A Level curriculum
  • To consider possible strategies to support students, especially students aiming for Bs or Cs

For more information and to book your place, please click here.

Professional Development Workshop – Building Mathematical Resilience

Target Audience: teachers of KS5 students.

Format: half-day workshop in the summer term.

Aim: to support you to build resilience in your A Level Mathematics students.

How to get involved: sign up here, by Friday 28 June.

Capacity: 30 (+/-)


Many students find the transition from GCSE to A level can undermine their confidence in themselves and result in an anxiety which traps them in a place where they cannot grow or develop as well as they should.

Dr. Mark Hodds from Coventry University has researched into Mathematics anxiety and has practical ideas on how to build resilience in students through self-explanation training, giving them more confidence to move outside their comfort zone and to tackle complex examination questions.

This half-day workshop will support you to build resilience in your A level Mathematics students, offering practical strategies and resources to take back to your classroom.


Tuesday 9 July, 0930-1300


Exeter Maths School, Rougemont House, Castle Street, Exeter EX4 3PU.

Sign Up

Please use the link above to book your place by Friday 28 June.

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