Our Curriculum
At Exeter Mathematics School we give you the freedom and stimulus to go further than the standard exam-led A level curriculum. Our exceptional teachers support you to explore the incredible creativity and excitement of maths, physics and computing and every student gets to take the Exeter Maths Certificate. This is the big highlight of our course: an opportunity to collaborate and engage with demanding, real-life mathematics challenges set by one of our partners in academia or industry and carry out your own, in-depth research. Alongside your core subjects at EMS, you also have the opportunity to broaden your study by drawing on the wide range of courses at Exeter College nearby.
The majority of our students progress from EMS to studying STEM subjects at top universities. Our curriculum is designed with this in mind, with Curriculum X modules giving you a great preparation and feel for the challenging, independent enquiry-led culture you will experience as an undergraduate.
Equally popular are our Problem Solving Classes which enable students to grapple with interesting challenges whilst developing skills and techniques in a collaborative and supportive environment.
Our academic curriculum is built on a foundation of strong pastoral support and a Tutorial Programme designed to ensure students are able to flourish whilst at school and in years to come.
All students, including those with SEND have access to the full curriculum.