Exeter Mathematics Certificate

The Exeter Mathematics Certificate is a rigorous academic programme devised by University academics in consultation with EMS staff, designed to bridge the gap between typical 6th form education and university study.  Throughout the course, students develop employability and study skills, becoming equipped with the understanding, personal attributes, and skills necessary to succeed in their next steps.

In Year 12 EMC, students collaborate in teams, completing group projects.

In the first term, the students work with academics from the University of Exeter to research a question or problem posed by lecturers and professors. They meet their lecturer and student mentors on a regular basis before presenting their work as a formal poster and delivering a talk to a lay audience numbering several hundred at our Christmas Lectures, hosted by the University of Exeter.

In their second term,  students work with the likes of ATASS, QinetiQ, The Met Office, Apple and The Hydrographic Office to gain experience of the world of industry and to contribute to the running of these companies. In January, the students meet a representative of the company who introduces the task and explains how it benefits them; the students visit the company part way through their projects for a tour and a progress meeting, before presenting their findings to their companies in a professional report.  Together, these experiences provide students with an honest impression of the workplace and a feel for some of the opportunities which exist in STEM.

In their third term, students complete a research project into careers and report their findings to one another.  This project links closely with our careers programme and supports students as they begin to make decisions about their future post-EMS.

In Year 13 EMC, the students have the option either of developing further one of the concepts explored in  Year 12, or selecting and pursuing a piece of original research to be presented to all students and the general public at the EMC Conference.

Subjects that have been presented in the past include “The Science of Skimming Stones”, “Developments in Aeronautics”, “Statistically Engineering the UK Top 40” and “The Mathematics of Traffic Flow”.

Throughout the course of all of these projects, the students’ ability to work independently, meet deadlines and sustain effort is developed and tested. Resources at the disposal of the students include university and public libraries, 3D printers, Scanners, Raspberry Pi, Arduino and our range of computing and practical equipment for modelling and experimentation.

The Exeter Mathematics Certificate is recognised by the School and the University of Exeter as a course of high prestige, setting students apart.  It forms an essential element in our preparation of students for university study, giving a vital real-world context to their mathematics.  Linking theory to practice will emphasise the usefulness and relevance of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science today.

EMC Skills

Being brilliant at Mathematics is not enough in the modern workplace: employers need skills beyond those developed by our core courses.  EMC skills will equip students to succeed in their EMC projects and beyond.

There are two key focuses for this course: programming and literacy.

In the world of Big Data and a technological revolution, being able to code is a vital skill for any mathematician or scientist.  All EMS students will learn to program in Python.  By the time they leave EMS, students should have a firm foundation on which to build.  For those that are already competent coders, interseting projects will be set to extend their skills.

The ability to communicate scientific findings to varied audiences is vital and increasingly sited by employers as essential to their business.  Throughout this course students will be supported in public speaking, scientific writing and adapting their communication to different audiences.  We hope also to develop an appreciation for literature and enjoyment of the written word.

EMC Year 13 Presentations – 5th March 2019

Here is just a selection of some of the fantastic work produced and presented by our Year 13 students at the culmination of their EMC project.

Triangle mountains
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