Extra Curricular

As much fun as exploring mathematics can be, we all need a little variety in life. Extra-curricular activities are an excellent way to provide balance and can be a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Whilst we run some activities at EMS, our students are also able to tap into the extensive programme of activities offered by Exeter College.

Exeter College

We have an extended lunchtime of 90 minutes on most days (even longer on Wednesday) that coincides with Exeter College’s year 12 lunch-break, giving our students time to walk to college, take part in an activity and return to school for afternoon lessons.

In students’ first week at EMS they attend a freshers-fair at Exeter College where they can sign up for clubs and activities.  Students can also find details of events on the College portal.

In the past, students have enjoyed Jiu Jitsu, Debating, Ten Tors, Duke of Edinburgh, Model United Nations, Jazz Project, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey, British Sign Language, Christian Union, LGBTQ+ Club, Young Enterprise, Gym, Big Band, Orchestra and Badminton.  But don’t let that list restrict you, if the College offers it and it fits your timetable, you’re welcome to attend.

Here’s some thoughts from a few of our students

Student Volunteers

We encourage our students to volunteer in various ways throughout their time at EMS. Volunteering has a number benefits including teaching valuable skills, improving self esteem and job prospects.   Many of our Outreach events, particularly in the Autumn Term, rely on student volunteers to be involved.  Pupils from other schools who participate in the programmes really benefit from having EMS students support them and gives them a greater feel of life at EMS.

Students also get involved in events in school such as helping at parent evenings and are regularly asked to show visitors and prospective staff around the school.  Student volunteers manage the library and help ensure the student areas such as the kitchen and courtyard are kept tidy.

In previous years we have asked for volunteers on an ad hoc basis as events come up.  However, we now ask all students to complete an online form at the beginning of the school year where they chose Outreach events and school activities they would like to be involved with. This has proved very successful and gives all students the opportunity to be fully involved in the school community.

EMS Activities

We host a number of clubs and activities at EMS. These are often student-led: we encourage students to lead their own activities and support them to do so by providing a room or other resources. Our star-craft tournament, instigated by a student that has now left, has become an annual fixture and last year saw our first Table Tennis tournament. Whether it’s chess, juggling, board games, Frisbee in the park, or something we’ve not yet thought about, we’ll do our best to make it happen.

Academic Activities

We enter students for a lot of competitions and academic challenges. These are mostly just for fun with students opting in, sometimes preparing by collaborating with others at lunchtimes.  The shared enthusiasm and support of peers often results in excellent results but it’s the taking part and development of understanding and skills which really motivates our students.  Activities  include, but are not restricted to, United Kingdom Maths Trust challenges and Olympiads, Institute of Physics team challenge, Physics Olympiad, Bebras computational challenge, English Speaking Board examination, Chess competitions and Linguistics Olympiad.

Social Events

When students first join us they have a week of induction to the school. This includes social activities (sports, meal out, board games) as well as academic.  The EMS BBQ has become a regular social fixture for the end of the year too.

Students in residential accommodation have regular social events throughout the year and our student council are working towards making this happen for all students.

Student Council

The student council are very active at EMS. Meeting once a half-term, they have an important role in ensuring students’ views are carefully considered and discussed. The co-chairs of student council attend governors meetings, ensuring school leaders hear directly from students and understand their needs before making important decisions.

In the previous years, in addition to their ongoing input to school life, the Student Council have worked together with staff members to review and improve our homework system, to re-design out outside communal area, and to collaborate on meeting students’ needs during lockdown.  In the coming academic year, our student council will have a budget to allocate to projects which they agree are important in improving students’ experience at EMS.

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