Special educational needs and disabilities
Our Approach
Our goal is that all of our students achieve their potential regardless of any difficulties they may face. Part of achieving this is by identifying and appropriately supporting students with SEND. We collaborate with students, parents and other professionals to identify needs, provide appropriate individual support and review it to ensure it works.
We recognise that a student’s needs may be, but are not exhausted to, physical, emotional, social or cognitive. There is no “one size fits all”. Essentially if students, or their parents, feel as though they may require additional support with accessing any element of their school life, we want to work with them to overcome this.
‘I’ve never felt more individualised care with my education and extra needs, than at EMS.’
[EMS student]
Identifying Needs
SEND provision is organised under the four areas of need identified in the 2015 SEND Code of Practice.
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social emotional and mental health
- Physical/Sensory
Even before joining EMS we want to ensure that we can offer appropriate support to potential students, therefore during the application process students and teachers are asked to let us know about any identified needs. Students with identified SEND meet with a member of our support staff prior to joining the school. This is not part of our selection process; it is a chance for any potential adjustments to be discussed and more importantly a chance for students to meet a friendly face who will support them during their time with us.
Once students are attending EMS, staff are extremely vigilant regarding needs that may not yet have been identified. They get to know the students well, in order to provide individually tailored support. Parents are also encouraged to get in touch and let us know of any concerns that they have. It’s not uncommon for needs to be identified once a student has joined the school.
‘At interview, I really appreciated the opportunity for a chat with a member of the Pastoral staff so that by the time I joined the school I already knew a familiar face.’
[EMS student]
We meet with each of our students during their first term with us, this is to find out a little more about support they have had in their previous setting, if any, and what help they may need from us. If felt necessary by the student, we will communicate further with their previous setting to gain a more detailed picture of need. All of the staff at EMS instil a relaxed positive work environment which usually means that students do not feel they need much adaptation to our ‘normal’ school day however, we allow space for those who do need a little support and make it very clear where assistance can be found.
‘As a student with Autism, I have always felt well supported at EMS with both adapting to the school when I joined and how any changes to routine are communicated to all students. I welcome the opportunity to talk through any stresses or worries with whoever is in the pastoral office. I believe I have thrived at EMS and it has set me up well for the wider world.’
[EMS student]
Provision of Support
There is a genuine care from all staff at EMS about the student as a whole, not just with regards to academic achievement, we understand that a students barrier to learning may also be having a negative impact on their life in general and we do not shy away from addressing this and establishing strategies in order for them to thrive. When a student is identified as having SEND, we take action to support effective learning by removing barriers to learning and putting effective provision in place.
This SEND support takes the form of a four-part cycle known as the graduated approach – assess, plan, do, review.
- Teachers, tutors and SEND coordinators all contribute to assess the needs of each student.
- With each student’s input and parent/carer’s where appropriate we decide whether to make a plan to put in place any additional support needed during class and exams.
- Teachers, tutors and the support team are then responsible for implementing and doing the adjustments outlined for each student.
- The provision of support for each student with SEND is reviewed termly or when changes are necessary.
Although there is a specific process as outlined above, our open-door policy and approachable staff mean that those with SEND can always access support. This support can look as simple as a 5 minute chat and a place to have a nap in order to recharge and get back to what’s most important…maths (physics and computer science).
‘The SEND support at EMS is proper cracking and Grace is an absolute gem.’
[EMS student]
All the information about how we support students with SEND at the school is contained within our SEND report and SEND Policy which can also be found on our Policies page – https://www.exetermathematicsschool.ac.uk/policies/
The schools Accessibility Plan can also be found on the Policies page.
We welcome you to share any concerns, questions or successes with either Yasmin (yasmintrevelyan@exeterms.ac.uk) or Grace (gracestrachan@exeterms.ac.uk).
Devon County Council’s Local Offer can be found at https://new.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/special-educational-needs-and-disability-send-local-offer.
Devon County Council also offers parents an independent, confidential and free SEND support service through Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) www.devonias.org.uk or tel. 01392 383080.
How we work with Exeter College
Our link with Exeter College not only means that we can get advice from the wealth of experience their learning support team has but that we also are fortunate enough to use their expertise to support our assessments of need. For example, when students show signs of having a Specific Learning Need, they are referred to Exeter College for a screening assessment which can identify issues in areas such as reading, writing, memory and processing. The result of such an assessment is usually used as evidence for exam access arrangements such as extra time.
Key Staff
Yasmin Trevelyan (yasmintrevelyan@exeterms.ac.uk), is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead and supports Grace Strachan (gracestrachan@exeterms.ac.uk) who manages support in school for which all staff members are responsible.