Proposal to expand our catchment area
Consultation from 1st September 2021 to 12th October 2021
We are proposing the expansion of our catchment area to include the remainder of the South West (Bristol, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire) from 2024. To accommodate the increase in demand for spaces we will increase our intake from 64 to 90 (or 100 if there is enough demand) and will move into a larger building.
A more detailed rationale for this proposal is given here: EMS Expansion Rationale
We invited interested people to share their views via an online form and offered meetings and telephone conversations to those who would like more information. The consultation form closed on the 12th October and received responses from 94 people:
- The vast majority (91%) agreed with expanding the school’s catchment area
- All (100%) agree with providing affordable boarding
- Most agreed (84%) with an increase in student numbers
- Most agreed (85%) with a corresponding increase in outreach activities
A more detailed summary is available here: results of expansion consultation
Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation, we have read your comments carefully and will be mindful of the issues you raised as we progress to the next step.
Second Consultation – 2023
We completed a second round of consultation from 31st January to 27th February 2023. The results of closely mirrored the first, although there were fewer responses overall (totalling 108 responses over the two rounds of consultation).
Update on Plans – October 2024
In March 2024, the government minister postponed making a decision about our new school building and expansion until after the next spending review. We will continue to pursue this with the new administration. In the meantime, the school governors propose to increase our catchment area and modestly increase student numbers from 2026. The increase in capacity will be from 64 to 75 – this is the largest increase the school is able to make autonomously. The new catchment area will include Bristol, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, thereby ensuring that students from the whole of the South West have access to a specialist maths school.
We consulted on these plans from Friday 18th October to Friday 29th November 2024. Governors will consider the results of this consultation prior to approving the new admissions policy. You are invited to share your thoughts via this form:
A public consultation meeting took place at Exeter Maths School on Monday 25th November.