Secondary Maths

Maths Student Community – sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Actuaries

Target Audience: Students from Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset who stand out for their achievement in and/or enthusiasm for maths.

Format: Three face-to-face and two online enrichment sessions led by EMS spread throughout the year.

Aim: To provide students, who might otherwise be isolated, with a community of like-minded peers to explore challenging and interesting mathematics.

How to get involved: Nominations for year 7 students in the 2024-25 academic year will open in the spring term 2025.


Our Maths Student Community (MSC) is a rolling programme; once enrolled, student remain members of the Community until Year 11, if they would like to.

Our aim is to bring together and inspire able mathematics students from across Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset, forming a community of learners who will work together, share ideas, attend master-classes and receive mentoring.

Teachers frequently identify students within their settings who stand out from the crowd and who can find themselves working in isolation on mathematics that is beyond that of their peers.  Our aim is to bring these students together, to enable them to work with others who are similarly able, to provide stimuli which will deepen and broaden their appreciation of mathematics and its related fields, and to support and encourage their development as problem-solving mathematicians.

It is our intention to support students throughout their secondary school career, regardless of whether or not they decide to apply for a place in our sixth form.

How it works

Students joining the MSC participate in a series of enrichment days at Exeter Maths School, supplemented by a couple of online sessions!

During the enrichment days students will take part in masterclasses and workshops.  They will be introduced to mathematics beyond the normal curriculum and will have the opportunity to develop their problem solving.

How to join

This programme is teacher nominated only; we cannot accept applications from students directly. Please email to make an enquiry about a late nomination.

If you are already part of the MSC, you will automatically be moved up into the next year group, year on year.

Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Tuesday 08 October    1030-1430  Cavendish Suite, Mercure Rougemont 
2  Tuesday 26 November   1700-1800  Online 
3  Tuesday 04 February  1030-1430  Devonshire Suite, Mercure Rougemont 
4  Tuesday 29 April  1030-1430  Auditorium, The Exeter Phoenix 
5  Tuesday 03 June  1700-1800  Online 
Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Tuesday 15 October    1030-1430  Auditorium, The Exeter Phoenix 
2  Tuesday 26 November   1700-1800  Online 
3  Tuesday 11 February  1030-1430  Auditorium, The Exeter Phoenix 
4  Tuesday 06 May  1030-1430  Auditorium, The Exeter Phoenix 
5  Tuesday 03 June  1700-1800  Online 

Maths GCSE Enhancement Programme

Target Audience: Year 10 and 11 students who are not yet working at their highest level (i.e. working at a 6/7, but capable of achieving an 8/9).

Format: Weekly hour-long online after-school lessons delivered by EMS teachers, starting in the autumn term for Year 11 and the spring term for Year 10.  The Year 11 programme concludes at February half-term, when the Year 10 programme commences. Year 10 students remain on the programme into Year 11.  Recruitment for Year 10 takes place annually in the first half of the Spring term.

Aim: To enable students to achieve better GCSE grades than initially predicted and to therefore have greater opportunities in Further and Higher education.

How to get involved: Nominations for year 10 students in the 2024-25 academic year will open in the spring term 2025. If you are already enrolled on our Y10 GCSE Enhancement programme, you will automatically be moved up into the next year group in September.

Capacity: 200(ish).


During a series of online workshops and group sessions, students will have the opportunity to develop a deeper and more connected understanding of GCSE content. Supported by EMS staff, students will be provided with the stimuli to broaden their application of Maths and its related fields.

Our intention is to support their development as problem-solving mathematicians in order to increase their proficiency at tackling new style GCSE assessments, whilst encouraging the progression of further study of Maths beyond GCSE.

How it works

Students join the programme in Year 10 and will participate in weekly online after-school workshops, starting soon after the spring half term. Students remain on the programme in Year 11, attending weekly lessons during the autumn and early spring terms of their GCSE year.

Programme schedule for Year 11 students re-joining the programme in September 2024:

Session Date Time
1 Tuesday 24 September 1630-1730
2 Tuesday 01 October 1630-1730
3 Tuesday 08 October 1630-1730
4 Tuesday 15 October 1630-1730
5 Tuesday 22 October 1630-1730
6 Tuesday 05 November 1630-1730
7 Tuesday 12 November 1630-1730
8 Tuesday 19 November
9 Tuesday 26 November 1630-1730
10 Tuesday 03 December 1630-1730
11 Tuesday 10 December 1630-1730
12 Tuesday 14 January 1630-1730
13 Tuesday 21 January 1630-1730
14 Tuesday 28 January 1630-1730
15 Tuesday 04 February 1630-1730


Programme schedule for Year 10 students joining the programme in February 2025:

Session  Date  Time 
1  Tuesday 04 March  1630-1730 
2  Tuesday 11 March  1630-1730 
3  Tuesday 18 March   1630-1730 
4  Tuesday 25 March  1630-1730 
5  Tuesday 01 April  1630-1730 
6  Tuesday 22 April  1630-1730 
7  Tuesday 29 April  1630-1730 
8  Tuesday 06 May  1630-1730 
9  Tuesday 13 May  1630-1730 
10  Tuesday 20 May  1630-1730 

Maths Circles with Axiom Maths (Previously MESME)

Target Audience: Students from Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset who love Maths and have the potential to study the subject at postgraduate level. The programme has a particular focus on ensuring that students from all backgrounds can participate

Format: Weekly online sessions in which groups of no more than 6 students collaborate with a mentor

Aim: To support able Maths students to develop their mathematical thinking and reasoning skills as well as problem-solving. The objective of the programme is to encourage more students into Maths at university and beyond

How to get involved: Nominations for year 7 students in the 2024-25 academic year will open early in the autumn term 2024.

What are Axiom Maths Circles?

These are small groups of students who meet weekly to tackle a curriculum of challenging maths problems. It’s an approach that’s worked successfully in other countries, and which Axiom is bringing to the UK. The beauty of maths circles is that they’re about the relationships as much as the maths.

In Maths Circles, students:

  • Work through a structured curriculum of challenging problems. They’re exposed to mathematics from beyond the National Curriculum, that is takes them deep into stretching and satisfying topics they wouldn’t normally encounter at school
  • Get stuck, and then unstuck. They get used to encountering problems that they don’t get right first time—and so the satisfaction of solving them is even greater
  • Find themselves in a sense of flow. In maths circles there’s no pressure, no test. You get lost in the maths
  • Join a community that values maths. In a culture that doesn’t always prize maths in the way it should, Axiom pupils join a social group that values and respects their talent


For further information, please visit Axiom Maths, or email:

Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Wednesday 11 September  1030-1430  F2F – Exeter Maths School 
2  Wednesday 18 September  1630-1730  Online 
3  Wednesday 25 September  1630-1730  Online 
4  Wednesday 03 October  1630-1730  Online 
5  Wednesday 09 October  1630-1730  Online 
6  Wednesday 16 October  1630-1730  Online 
7  Wednesday 23 October  1630-1730  Online 
8  Wednesday 06 November  1630-1730  Online 
9  Wednesday 13 November  1630-1730  Online 
10  Wednesday 20 November  1630-1730  Online 
Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Wednesday 11 September  1630-1730  Online 
2  Wednesday 18 September  1030-1430  F2F – Exeter Maths School 
3  Wednesday 25 September  1630-1730  Online 
4  Wednesday 02 October  1630-1730  Online 
5  Wednesday 09 October  1630-1730  Online 
6  Wednesday 16 October  1630-1730  Online 
7  Wednesday 23 October  1630-1730  Online 
8  Wednesday 06 November  1630-1730  Online 
9  Wednesday 13 November  1630-1730  Online 
10  Wednesday 20 November  1630-1730  Online 
11  Wednesday 27 November  1630-1730  Online 
12  Wednesday 04 December  1630-1730  Online 
13  Wednesday 11 December  1630-1730  Online 
14  Wednesday 18 December  1630-1730  Online 
15  Wednesday 08 January  1630-1730  Online 
16  Wednesday 15 January  1630-1730  Online 
17  Wednesday 22 January  1630-1730  Online 
18  Wednesday 29 January  1630-1730  Online 
19  Wednesday 05 February  1630-1730  Online 
20  Wednesday 12 February  1630-1730  Online 
21  Wednesday 26 February  1030-1430  F2F – Exeter Maths School 
22  Wednesday 05 March  1630-1730  Online 
23  Wednesday 12 March  1630-1730  Online 
24  Wednesday 19 March  1630-1730  Online 
25  Wednesday 26 March  1630-1730  Online 
26  Wednesday 02 April  1630-1730  Online 
27  Wednesday 23 April  1630-1730  Online 
28  Wednesday 30 April  1630-1730  Online 
29  Wednesday 07 May  1630-1730  Online 
30  Wednesday 18 June  1030-1430  F2F – Exeter Maths School 
Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Thursday 12 September  1630-1730  Online 
2  Thursday 19 September  1630-1730  Online 
3  Tuesday 24 September  1030-1430  F2F – Mercure Rougemont 
4  Thursday 03 October  1630-1730  Online 
5  Thursday 10 October  1630-1730  Online 
6  Thursday 17 October  1630-1730  Online 
7  Thursday 24 October  1630-1730  Online 
8  Thursday 07 November  1630-1730  Online 
9  Thursday 14 November  1630-1730  Online 
10  Thursday 21 November  1630-1730  Online 
11  Thursday 28 November  1630-1730  Online 
12  Thursday 05 December  1630-1730  Online 
13  Thursday 12 December  1630-1730  Online 
14  Thursday 19 December  1630-1730  Online 
15  Thursday 09 January  1630-1730  Online 
16  Thursday 16 January  1630-1730  Online 
17  Thursday 23 January  1630-1730  Online 
18  Thursday 30 January  1630-1730  Online 
19  Thursday 06 February  1630-1730  Online 
20  Thursday 13 February  1630-1730  Online 
21  Thursday 27 February  1630-1730  Online 
22  Tuesday 04 March  1030-1430  F2F – The Exeter Phoenix 
23  Thursday 13 March  1630-1730  Online 
24  Thursday 20 March  1630-1730  Online 
25  Thursday 27 March  1630-1730  Online 
26  Thursday 03 April  1630-1730  Online 
27  Thursday 24 April  1630-1730  Online 
28  Thursday 01 May  1630-1730  Online 
29  Thursday 08 May  1630-1730  Online 
30  Tuesday 24 June  1030-1430  F2F – The Exeter Phoenix 
Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Wednesday 11 September  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
2  Wednesday 18 September  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
3  Wednesday 25 September  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
4  Wednesday 02 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
5  Wednesday 09 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
6  Wednesday 16 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
7  Wednesday 23 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
8  Wednesday 06 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
9  Wednesday 13 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
10  Wednesday 20 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
11  Wednesday 27 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
12  Wednesday 04 December  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
13  Wednesday 11 December  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
14  Wednesday 18 December  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
15  Wednesday 08 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
16  Wednesday 15 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
17  Wednesday 22 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
18  Wednesday 29 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
19  Wednesday 05 February  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
20  Wednesday 12 February  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
21  Wednesday 26 February  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
22  Wednesday 05 March  1030-1430  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
23  Wednesday 12 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
24  Wednesday 19 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
25  Wednesday 26 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
26  Wednesday 02 April  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
27  Wednesday 23 April  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
28  Wednesday 30 April  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
29  Wednesday 07 May  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
30  Wednesday 14 May  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Wednesday 11 September  1630-1730  Online 
2  Wednesday 18 September  1630-1730  Online 
3  Wednesday 25 September  1630-1730  Online 
4  Tuesday 01 October  1030-1430  FACE-TO-FACE –Mercure Rougemont 
5  Wednesday 09 October  1630-1730  Online 
6  Wednesday 16 October  1630-1730  Online 
7  Wednesday 23 October  1630-1730  Online 
8  Wednesday 06 November  1630-1730  Online 
9  Wednesday 13 November  1630-1730  Online 
10  Wednesday 20 November  1630-1730  Online 
11  Wednesday 27 November  1630-1730  Online 
12  Wednesday 04 December  1630-1730  Online 
13  Wednesday 11 December  1630-1730  Online 
14  Wednesday 18 December  1630-1730  Online 
15  Wednesday 08 January  1630-1730  Online 
16  Wednesday 15 January  1630-1730  Online 
17  Wednesday 22 January  1630-1730  Online 
18  Wednesday 29 January  1630-1730  Online 
19  Wednesday 05 February  1630-1730  Online 
20  Wednesday 12 February  1630-1730  Online 
21  Wednesday 26 February  1630-1730  Online 
22  Wednesday 05 March  1630-1730  Online 
23  Tuesday 11 March  1030-1430  FACE-TO-FACE -TBC 
24  Wednesday 19 March  1630-1730  Online 
25  Wednesday 26 March  1630-1730  Online 
26  Wednesday 02 April  1630-1730  Online 
27  Wednesday 23 April  1630-1730  Online 
28  Wednesday 30 April  1630-1730  Online 
29  Wednesday 07 May  1630-1730  Online 
30  Tuesday 01 July  1030-1430  F2F – Venue TBC 
Session  Date  Time  Location 
1  Thursday 12 September  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
2  Thursday 19 September  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
3  Thursday 26 September  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
4  Thursday 03 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
5  Thursday 10 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
6  Thursday 17 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
7  Thursday 24 October  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
8  Thursday 07 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
9  Thursday 14 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
10  Thursday 21 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
11  Thursday 28 November  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
12  Thursday 05 December  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
13  Thursday 12 December  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
14  Thursday 19 December  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
15  Thursday 09 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
16  Thursday 16 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
17  Thursday 23 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
18  Thursday 30 January  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
19  Thursday 06 February  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
20  Thursday 13 February  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
21  Thursday 27 February  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
22  Thursday 06 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
23  Thursday 13 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
24  Thursday 20 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
25  Thursday 27 March  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
26  Thursday 03 April  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
27  Thursday 24 April  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
28  Thursday 01 May  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
29  Thursday 08 May  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 
30  Thursday 15 May  1630-1730  Fermat-Wiles, Exeter Maths School 

Maths Summer Residential

Target Audience: Year 10 students from Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset that are able and interested in maths.

Format: 3-day residential held at EMS that includes workshops, social activities and university experience.

Aim: To provide students with inspiration and challenge in a supportive setting, giving insight into applications of maths at university and beyond.

Information to Students: Applications for our 2024 Maths Summer Residential and details of how to nominate students will be sent to Maths Teachers across the South West in the Spring Term.

Capacity: 78 (currently operating a waiting list)

Year 9 Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses

Target Audience: Year 9 students who are able and interested in maths. Catchment area is approximately east of Torbay, excluding North Devon (similar masterclasses are run in Cornwall, Plymouth and North Devon).

Format: 7 Saturday mornings, approximately fortnightly, over the spring and summer terms.

Aim: To encourage, inspire and engage students in the art and practice of mathematics.

How to get involved: Nominations for year 9 students in the 2024-25 academic year will open in the autumn term 2024.

Capacity: 40


Ri Masterclasses are a series of workshops which are led by enthusiastic speakers from industry, academia and education. They offer students in-depth investigations of topic areas outside of the school curriculum, combining theory with interactive exploration.

We aim to challenge students who are curious about maths and we are keen to reach students for whom other opportunities may not be readily available. Participants need enthusiasm as well as mathematical ability, along with a determination to explore!

Participation is free for all state-school students. Please note that students are expected to attend the entire series of masterclasses. 

How to join

This programme is teacher nominated only; we cannot accept applications from students directly. Please email to make an enquiry about this programme.

Session  Date (All Saturdays)  Time  Location 
1  18 January  0930-1200   Exeter Maths School 
2  01 February 0930-1200   Exeter Maths School 
3  08 February  0930-1200  Exeter Maths School 
4  01 March  0930-1200  Exeter Maths School 
5  15 March  0930-1200  Exeter Maths School 
6  22 March  0930-1200  Exeter Maths School 
Triangle mountains