Private Limited Company Registered in England. Number 0851 5877. DfE number is 878/4008.
EMS has a committee structure for governance and uses link governors to scrutinise key aspects of the School’s functions that are considered by each committee. The following committees have been established and feed into four full governing board meetings per year:
- Curriculum and Student Experience Committee
- Resources Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Governance Committee
An appeals committee has been set up and will convene if required.
The Chair and Secretary from the Student Council attend CSEC meetings which helps to ensure a strong link with students and ensure we are accountable to the students we serve.
Further information regarding governance can be found on our page: Policies and Practice.
Our Chair of Governors is Tim Paulden. He can be contacted by writing to him at the main school address or via the clerk, Lucy Gibson, email